West Park Radiops Amateur Radio Club

Class 3A, 930 QSOs, Power B, 5730 points, 20 operators, Rank 3/386

Here's 20 year old W8NNX taking a break from summer classes at then Fenn College...soon to be Cleveland State. 1 Front: SCM Jack Siringer, W8AJW who also appears in other photos, and a fine Elmer to many. The  photo was probably taken at the Field Day held in his back yard on Clague Rd.  The  operator is W8NNX,  the owner of the DX-100 and the Mohawk with homebrew TR switch atop the DX-100. Hiding in the back is Dave, K8GVK. 2
Dave Metzger, K8GVK with smoking Jack Siringer. 3 Bob W8IO, Don W8IDM (glasses) and Rich ??? 4
Left: Charlie Shriner, W8SDV. Center ? Right ?  This was the CW tent. 5 Bob Allen W8IO and Rich?? 6
The tall young guy is believed to be  Don W8IDM.  (Which one?)  Second from the right might be Hal, W8YPT, now W8PN? 7 Charlie Shriner W8SDV outside the CW tent 8
 The owner of this van is believed to be Don, W8IDM. 9  Anyone having more information on who is in these photos, please contact AF8C.


Curator: af8c-at-arrl.net

Last Update: 4-January-2007